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Stay Cool: The Best Ways to Keep Your Apartment Comfortable During the Summer Season

  • Block Sunlight: Closing curtains and blinds during the day helps to block sunlight from warming up your apartment. 

  • Use Fans: Ceiling fans should be switched to rotate counter-clockwise during the summer months. Portable fans can also help to circulate air throughout your home.

  • Open Windows at Night: Keeping your windows closed and blocked during the day helps to keep sunlight from warming your home, but opening them at night can help to allow cool air into your unit once the sun goes down.

  • Reduce Heat Sources: Avoid using your oven and stove often These appliances can increase the temperature in your unit. 

  • Get Plants: Houseplants can naturally decrease the temperature of a room by releasing moisture into the air. 

  • Increase Air Movement: Using fans strategically by blowing hot air out windows during the day, and cool air in at night, you can create better air circulation in your apartment. 

  • Keep Doors Closed: Keeping unused rooms closed can help to allow air to circulate throughout your apartment better. 

  • Make Use of Exhaust Fans: The built in fans in your bathroom and kitchen can be used to remove hot air, not just for filtering out smoke and smells!

  • Apply window films: Using window films to block out the sun by reflecting and absorbing UV rays can help to prevent heat and sun damage in your home. Just make sure to remove them before moving out!

  • Use Energy Efficient Bulbs: Lightbulbs such as LED bulbs can emit less heat into your apartment than regular bulbs, and making the switch can help to lower electric bills!

  • Unplug Electronics: Keeping large electronics such as your TV, gaming console, or computer plugged in during the day can create electric heat and warm up your apartment. Unplugging these when not in use can avoid generating extra heat. 

  • Store your sheets, pillowcases, or PJs in the Freezer: Putting your linens in the freezer might seem silly, but it can help to cool your body down when you go to sleep at night. 

  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking lots of cold water can help to cool down your body temperature.

  • Get Out of the House: If all else fails, there are a bunch of cool places you can visit in the summer to get out of the heat. Movie theaters, art museums, libraries, malls and stores can keep you entertained and in the AC for hours. 



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