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10 Things to Consider When Touring Apartments

What is the parking situation? Make sure to ask the landlord or person giving tours what parking is like at the property. Is there a driveway, parking lot, or will parking be on the street?

Is landscaping and snow removal included in rent? If you live in an area with large amounts of snow, it’s good to understand what your responsibilities will be in terms of salting and shoveling before winter comes. Additionally, will you need to take care of lawn mowing and cleanup yourself in the spring and summer? 

What is the trash removal situation? If you’re considering a multi-family home or apartment complex, will the bins be shared between tenants? Who will bring them to and from the curb? What day is the trash picked up?

What utilities are included in rent? Typically a landlord covers water, sewer and trash, but it’s always good to ask. Additionally, gas, electric, and internet are expenses that can impact monthly costs if not included in rent.

Is there laundry on-site? Some landlords include laundry in-unit or in the basement. This can sometimes be shared between tenants, or can be split into individual use. If there are no machines provided, are there hook-ups available for tenant owned machines?

Can the attic/basement/garage be used for storage? Many multi-family house apartments will have a shared space such as an attic, basement or garage. Ask your landlord what the rules are on tenant use for these areas. 

What appliances will be included? Many landlords choose to provide appliances such as a stove/oven, refrigerator, microwave etc., but some don’t. Be sure to outline exactly what will be there in order to best prepare for the extra expense of buying your own if necessary. 

How will rent be collected? Some landlords choose to accept online payments, others may take money orders or checks, and some might accept cash. Be sure to ask exactly how rent is collected each month to ensure their method works for you. 

How is public transportation in the area? If you rely on public transportation to get places, make sure to research availability of buses and trains in the area. If you have a long commute just to get to the bus stop, this might not be the best place for you. 

How is vehicle/foot traffic in the area? Is there a lot of nightlife in the areas surrounding this apartment? Does traffic get loud or busy in the morning or late at night? Are there a lot of children in the neighborhood that will be out playing? 

Before moving into an apartment, make sure that you are asking all the right questions to prevent problems or surprises down the road. Doing your research is a very important step in the rental process!



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